[SIV] Art of Jantine Kraan

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Na een stage in het Verenigd Koninkrijk en met het Nimeto diploma op zak is Jantine Kraan verder gaan studeren in Design for Film and TV in Nottingham. Nu drie jaar later heeft ze haar diploma BA HONS gehaald. Van harte gefeliciteerd Jantine!

As an international student, I was welcomed into this wonderful course and university. The Design for Film and TV course has taught me many things and I have been able to express myself creatively in many different skills. From technical drawing, storyboarding and prop making to creating concept art and much more. The course and experienced tutors supported me to try new things explore new skills and techniques.

I am proud of the work and projects I have done during my time here. All my work this year has prepared me to step into the industry guided by tutors and previous graduates.

I have enjoyed my last year and the projects I have done, I am proud of what I have learned and to share some of it with you, my concept visuals, technical drawings, scale models and prop designs.





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